Pointless politics
**Let me qualify the position these comments are coming from before I begin. I’m a politically engaged, left-wing student. I think politics are of fundamental importance to society. I hate political apathy on any level, and I think that citizens must always exercise their right to vote. But student politics is in dire need of a vigorous shake-up. **
What the SU does have a real control over (surely) are all the SU-run outlets. I’d like to be able to go to the Duck and have a pint for two pounds or less; if you can in the Duke, we should be able to on campus. That would increase my satisfaction with university infinitely more than having a boycott on arms companies. The SU outlets are a rip off: everyone knows it, few like it, why is nothing done?
Student politics seems to be a vehicle for sanctimonious and conceited wannabe-politicians to act like they’re standing up against ‘the establishment,’ defending the rights of students, and making a difference in the world. Why else would an SU feel the need to boycott the likes of BAE Systems and oil companies?
The SU’s politicians seem like they need to be the moral compass for the student body. All that these boycotts achieved was closing down opportunities for Warwick students to get a graduate job in a field they may want to go into.
This could all, however, be mitigated if student politicians actually got things done. If, for once, they delivered on their manifesto promises, I’d really appreciate it. On the other hand, some student politicians like to use the SU as a platform to pontificate their views and cause a fuss where none is needed. Some student politicians need to stop being so puerile and face the fact that, yes there is gross injustice in the world, but using the platform of student politics to try and fight against it is naïve at best and self-righteous at worst.
Grow up, and deal with those issues if you do actually go into politics or the third sector – while you’re at university, enjoy it and try and actually promote student welfare in a way that 99 percent of students will appreciate, and make things more enjoyable or better value for money. I have no problem with those who want to campaign for issues they believe in, just not under the SU’s name and resources.