Warwick Business School is second best in the UK
**Warwick Business School (WBS) aims to become the best business school in Europe, according to a spokesperson for the institution, Ashley Potter.**
The comments come in light of WBS rising ten places in a world ranking of business schools conducted by the Financial Times, making it the 24th best business school in the world and the 2nd best in the UK.
Out of 15 categories, there were six in which WBS made “significant strides”: the “salary today” of its alumni, “salary increase” after finishing the course, “career progress rank”, “aims achieved rank”, “international students rank”, and “faculty with doctorates”.
WBS was pipped to the post by London Business School, but the “Dean’s ambition is to turn Warwick into the leading university-based business school in Europe,” Mr Potter told the _Boar_.
The school may still have a long way to go as it currently stands at 7th place in terms of European business schools, but it is making “significant strides”.
It has brought in 60 new professors in an attempt to “stay at the vanguard of new cutting-edge research” and has also set up the only Behavioural Science group at a business school in Europe, which includes some of the leading behavioural scientists in the world.
Mr Potter said: “Warwick is also looking to work with professors from other departments at the University and form applied partnerships with the likes of the Design Council and the Institute for Practitioners in Advertising to see this research taken into the real world.”
While WBS is unlikely to raise its entry standards in light of the rankings boost, as they are “already high”, it will continue to offer substantial WBS scholarships in order to attract “the cream of the crop”.
This year it has over £2million worth of scholarships to offer to the best applicants to its Masters programmes.
One hundred business schools from 27 countries participated in the ranking, which was conducted using data from the past three years.