GUM clinic deemed success
**The first GUM clinic of the term for sexually transmitted infection (STI) checks was held on Tuesday 23 October.**
The clinic specialises in sexual health and gives free tests and treatment for many STIs including HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis.
The clinic was organised by the Students’ Union and held between noon and 6 p.m. in Room 2 of the Copper Rooms.
The confidential, drop-in service was attended by over 130 students, making it the most successful clinic on campus to date. Students were able to register their attendance on the day in confidentiality and be seen by a doctor within minutes.
The clinic was well advertised throughout the Campus and online, demonstrating the Student Union’s commitment to the cause. GUM clinic information was distributed via the wall planner handed to first-year students, digital screens in the Piazza, the Student Union Facebook page, as well as being signposted heavily the day before.
GUM clinics are a quick and easy way to get tested for STIs, with results being processed within one to two weeks. Attendees are then asked to specify how they wish to receive their results. This promotes a more relaxed and flexible process, easing a daunting first time experience for students.
Ben Sundell, the welfare and campaigns officer for the Students’ Union, explained the significance of the non-invasive testing, telling the _Boar_: “It’s a great way to alleviate the anxiety that can loom over people. That’s why we’re here.”
But some students may be reluctant to attend. Lucas Giles, a second-year History of Art student, commented: “I was very embarrassed and I nearly didn’t go, but the anonymity was what persuaded me.”
The program will be running throughout the year.