Placement Learning Unit unveiled by Careers and Skills
A new service to help more students into work placements and internships has been opened in the University of Warwick’s Student Careers and Skills department.
The Placement Learning Unit (PLU) provides assistance in finding relevant work placements and will help students fund these placements through bursaries.
The PLU aims to “capitalise on existing relationships with 1,000+ regional, national and international employers across all sectors,” said a University spokesperson.
Kate Cox, Communications Manager at Warwick Medical School, said: “Employers these days are placing greater value on those students who can demonstrate they’ve done some work experience above those who haven’t. While you have two candidates who might be very similar from an academic point of view, if one of them has work experience, that might actually give them the edge in terms of a job offer.”
70 percent of applicants offered a job in the banking sector had prior work experience with the bank, according to Cox.
The service will aim to help students from all subject areas.
“Someone who is doing a History of Art degree very often believes that only work experience in galleries and museums is going to be of benefit to them, when actually the skills a History of Art student uses, such as analysing data, comparative work and gathering research, can be used in business,” said Cox.
Students undertaking unpaid work placements may be eligible for a bursary of up to £200 (£100 per week). In order to receive the money, students must complete a reflection of their experiences, outlining what they learnt on the placement. This will be made available to fellow students.
Laura Mugford, a second-year German studies student, said: “I went to an alumni event and they emphasised the importance of work experience. Since then I have thought that I need to get more work experience – so this service would be ideal.”
Students can either make appointments or simply drop in to the service, located in University House.