Battle of the Bands 2011 Heat Four

The death defying Heat 4 of Battle of The Bands that had promised a night of first class bands did by no means disappoint. On Thursday six of bandsoc’s most prestigious acts took to the stage to battle for a place in the final.

The night triumphantly exploded with a raucous set from bandsoc’s magnificent ska band Fourth Wave who deservedly earned second place. The group have an array of intelligently crafted ska anthems which were carried out flawlessly. The tight rhythm section and strong brass elements were complimented perfectly by crooning jazz vocals. The band exuded charisma and enthusiasm from beginning to end which made them a joy to watch.

The fun-filled atmosphere was then shot to new heights as resident joke band Mr. Coc took to the stage with seven members dressed as a more flamboyant version of the Village People. This band was simply comedy genius. Although their pop-punk sound didn’t quite match their comic wit, they quickly became crowd favourites as their set ended with glorious chants of “We want Coc!”

It was then the time for last year’s second place winners Ackbar to shine on stage. However, shine they did not. Whilst they cannot be faulted for their first class musicianship, original edgy-pop sound and professional stage presence, they lacked much of their drive, energy and innovation which enabled them to soar through to the final last year.

Passing Strangers then took to the stage but were immediately at a disadvantage from being placed in a heat filled with some of the most experienced bands. However, they were more than capable to hold their own. Their synth-infused, melodic, punk music got the crowd moving, but their lack of experience and familiarity onstage held them back from what they could have achieved.

It was then the turn of the stand out band of the night, 3=car, to put forth their musical offering and run away with first place. The judges described them as the best performance of the competition; a well-earned title, as their finely-tuned indie sound was delivered in a most slick and professional manner.

The night was concluded by classic rock band Stone Mirage whose melodic infused rock gained an early crowd following. They put on a strong performance, held together well by a competent rhythm section and skilled guitarists. In a different heat, on a different night, it is hard to argue that they wouldn’t have fared better.

The night simply paved the way to the fast-approaching final that ensures to be an unforgettable night.


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