Unicyclist pedals to campus for charity
A Warwick student embarked on a unicycle ride from Leamington Spa to the University campus in a bid to raise money for charity.
Oli Mulcahy, 22, who is studying Electronic Engineering, unicycled 8.5 miles on Friday 19th March, starting off from Rosefield Street in North Leamington and travelling via the B4115 and Stoneleigh Road, taking the flyover across the A46, before cycling through Gibbet Hill Campus to arrive at the finish line in the Piazza two hours later.
“It’s for a really good cause, and it’s a stupid way to raise money!” laughs Mulcahy, who has been unicycling on and off for 13 years. “I thought it’d be something unusual and funny to do – something to catch people’s attention, especially if they know the route I’m taking.”
Yet the ride, he says, was not without its physical and mental challenges, because of the unicycle’s limited mobility. “I had to stop twice on the route. I even fell once, over a speed bump. [But] the support I got from everyone along the way was good – many people [were] clapping inside their cars as they drove past, and I got a few friendly beeps, even from white vans!”
“The support was especially good in town last Thursday night, when I was collecting in bars,” he adds. “I’d like to thank those bar owners who allowed me to collect [there].”
Mulcahy, who has raised about £650 for his efforts at the time of writing, hopes to raise £2,000 in order to fund his next challenge: a charity climb to Everest Base Camp in September.
All the money raised will go to Moving Mountains, a charity that provides care for street children in Nepal and Kenya. Readers can donate by visiting [Justgiving](http://www.justgiving.com/1man1unicycle “Oliver Mulcahy is fundraising for Moving Mountains – JustGiving”).