Interview: Chris Luck, Democracy and Communications Officer

_Chris Luck is next year’s Democracy and Communications Officer for the SU_

**How do you feel?**

It’s difficult to put into words, jubilant, happy, looking forward to next year, and grateful is the main thing.

**How did the campaign go?**

Really good fun, I mean last year I was involved in running the elections from the other side so it’s weird being on the different side of the elections. I hit the campaign trail hard, obviously a lot of cheesy slogans out there, but I loved kitchen touring and getting out talking to students.

**Have you got a message for those who voted for you?**

Thank you, thank you, I really mean it. I won’t let you down and I want to get you guys involved!

**What was the highlight of your campaign?**

I really enjoyed the hustings, I thought it would be terrifying, but it was good to debate with the other candidates and to hear some of their opinions and now I really want to sit down and talk to them, and find out what I can do with their ideas. I also enjoyed talking to freshers, finding out what they think of the union, and really listening to them.

**How do you want to improve the relationship between the union and student media?**

Good question from the Boar! I really want to listen to you guys a lot more, the Boar and Raw need to get out there more, I want to hear Raw in the Union building much more often. I want to give WTV a presence. Obviously we need to tackle this media centre problem.

**How will you make sure candidates stick to their manifesto commitments?**

Definitely a good point and it’s really important that candidates do deliver on their promises. Otherwise we create a barrier to involvement, which we can’t afford to do. I want to make sure that there’s an officer position within the union council to make sure that they do deliver, and ultimately let council get rid of people who diverge from their commitments.

**How do you want to improve communications between students and the union?**

A lot of facebook groups at the moment show that students do really care about the union, and we need to make sure that their voices are listened to. At the moment students email their feedback to the SU, but it’s a one-way system, whereas with a ‘you say, we say’ board we’ll get the word out there more.


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