Mihir Joshi

Tame Impala’s ‘The Slow Rush’: ‘Pet Sounds’ for a modern world

The Slow Rush struck me with a whiff of nostalgia that I at-least initially couldn’t quite identify. It is odd because hidden within the bass, electronic rhythm and Kevin Parker’s ever so slightly more distorted voice there was something so familiar. Then, it hit me. This is a concept album as fresh today as Pet Sounds was in the 1960s.
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Posted Mar. 6, 2020

Love at first swipe

How does one fall in love? At first glance, it seems like a simple question. From the wonderful and yet terrifying knots in your stomach to the shivering anxiety in your voice as you try to say the right words but always envision yourself slipping up in some way, most...
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Posted Feb. 18, 2019

Are zero-hours contracts working?

Why are we at university? Despite the endless possible responses, it appears the end goal for most students is securing employment. From waking up, commuting to work, sitting at a desk from 9-5, commuting home, eating, sleeping and then the whole cycle repeats itself again the next day in a...
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Posted May. 22, 2018

Why we shouldn’t be scared of the Doomsday Clock

In an act of childlike petulance, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BAS) have moved the Doomsday Clock closer to midnight, so that we now sit just two minutes away from the destruction of humanity. In doing so, the BAS have once again proved that they truly are the most gloomy...
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Posted Feb. 17, 2018

Why ending the NSS boycott was the right decision

The general consensus remains clear: university education in this country remains the best in the world. We have the best universities, the most skilled academics and the highest number of working class individuals going to university in the western world; and yet if you listened to many our university system...
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Posted Dec. 15, 2017