Photo: Connor O'Shea / Boar Photography

BREAKING: U1 collides with a woman in a car near campus

A U1 bus just collided with a car at the roundabout at the top of the Gibbet Hill Road near the University of Warwick.

The U1 was travelling towards campus, when the speeding car with a female driver at approximately hit the bus at 1.25pm on Thursday 26.

The car which was hit drove off and the police have arrived at the scene to investigate.

Police arrived at the scene Photo: Saveena Mangat

Reports suggest no passengers were injured during the collision. However, one passenger fell down the stairs when they attempted to leave the bus to run to campus.

Some passengers on the bus also began to get agitated as some claimed to have deadlines at 2 o’clock.

The police got witness statements from passengers Photo: Saveena Mangat

Anastasia Fourka commented: “This is a tragedy! Thank god nobody is hurt.

She sarcastically added: “Thank you to our stagecoach driver for checking on us to see if we’re okay.”

After a delay of approximately half an hour the bus slowly resumed progress to campus with a constant beeping sound being reported by passengers.


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